About School
Samuel Memorial Convent School has a ‘House System’ and every student, teacher will be assigned to a house. The House System is a traditional feature of schools all over the world. India was one of the first to start the House System in 1859. More recently the house system has been rejuvenated in the Harry Potter books and movies. So how does the house system work? – The whole SMCS community will be divided into a number of houses. The house system exists firstly to provide a system of care and team spirit for all students. A secondary feature of the house system is of competition between houses. The school sports day and debating competitions will be organized along inter-house lines.
House merit points for articles, Art, and achievement will also be totaled up for comparison between houses. Additionally for poor behavior – points may be taken away from the house by the Headmaster.
The four houses will be as follows: AAKASH, AGNI, NIRBHAY, and PRITHVI.
It is important that all students recognize that they belong to a certain house, the loyalty you owe to your house and the pride in the prizes won by your own house. Extra house points will be given to students who are able to recite (at any time in the year) their house poem or for students who make a significant contribution to developing relationships, knowledge or skills within their house.
The Motto of the school is “Gubernatio Pro Cras“which is translated from Latin as “Leaders for Tomorrow“.
The school is committed to its motto, “Leaders for Tomorrow”.
To build creative disciplined and dynamic leaders of tomorrow who will lead others by example and be active global citizens contributing richly to both our nation and the world.